to create a community of communities living in intimacy with God and each other, experiencing and expressing the reality of following Jesus, within the world around us.



We honor JUSTICE

God is the God of Justice. He has created the world with a sense of balance and a desire for equality among all people. As a reflection of God’s justice, we seek to interfere with injustice in our world. We seek to make God’s nature more fully present, especially for those who are suffering as a result of human inequity.

We walk in TRUTH

God is the source of all that is true in this world. All truth flows from God’s truth. To encounter God is to encounter the ultimate reality of what it means to live a human life. Our community values all truth. We seek to integrate it into our understanding of God and His created world. We follow three main portals in our pursuit of God’s truth: the Bible, the Tradition of the Church (past and present), and our shared human experience.

We embrace BEAUTY

The essence of God is beautiful! That beauty is reflected in the created world and in our own creativity in the world. To allow beauty to enter our hearts allows our hearts to experience hope and healing. It can serve as a powerful pointer toward God’s presence. We seek to support and encourage the creation of beauty in our world.

We choose INTIMACY

God exists in intimate community within himself. Each one of us was designed with the ability to connect intimately with God in our spirits. We experience wholeness and stability in our world when we are connected with God. This connection allows us to share life with others in deeply authentic and intimate ways. We seek to model lives that are whole and intimately tied to God in a moment-by-moment way.